Count On Me to Vote for an Affordable City!

Posted May 10, 2023

Count On Me to vote for the priorities that Toronto ACORN members have identified in their Affordable City platform for the upcoming mayoral election.

Count on me to support Toronto ACORN’s Affordable City platform:

  • Landlord licensing
  • Fund affordable housing
  • No tenant displacement
  • Community funding
  • Affordable internet

See our platform here

Download the flyer here

Sign the Count on Me pledge below!

About us

Toronto ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), is a membership based community union made up of low-to-moderate income people. ACORN was founded in 2004, with the first organized group in Canada being formed in Weston / Mt Dennis.

Since then, ACORN has spread to every part of the city with six organized chapters and over 60,000 members in Toronto.

ACORN believes that social and economic justice can best be achieved with a city-wide membership who are invested in their organization and focused on building community power for change.

In Toronto, 46.8% of tenant households spend more than 30% of their pretax income on shelter costs or to live in unaffordable housing.

Our platform provides a summary of the local campaigns Toronto ACORN members need mayoral candidates to commit to champion if elected on June 26, 2023.

ACORN members need to see the following changes to make Toronto an affordable and livable city!



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