Toronto ACORN Affordable City Platform

Toronto ACORN Affordable City Platform Launch

Posted July 29, 2022

Posted July 29, 2022

What an awesome launch for Toronto ACORN’s Affordable City platform! 

Thanks to the 60 ACORN members, allies, and orgs who joined us and to our guest speakers: Geordie from the FMTA, Bianca Wylie, and Claire Michela from RavenLaw.

ACORN members Ria, Shelly Ann, Alejandro, and Sheila went over our campaigns for No Tenant Displacement, Landlord Licensing, Affordable Internet, and Affordable Housing. 

Afterward everyone split up into breakout groups to discuss issues that they want to see prioritized and how to get friends, neighbours, and their community out to vote on October 24. 

Democracy is only as strong as the people participating in it and after the big showing in the room tonight, Toronto city council is going to look a lot different in the fall!

ACORN members have some BIG plans coming up before the municipal election in October – more to come!

Read the platform here




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