The Hamilton Spectator: Why Hamilton tenants need to vote on Oct. 24

Posted October 26, 2022

Posted October 21st, 2022

Voting as a renter has always been an uphill battle. It was not until 1972, when the province passed the Municipal Elections Act, that property ownership requirements were removed from the municipal franchise. Before then many municipalities restricted the right to vote to only those who owned property.

Nevertheless, even with the right to vote, tenants still face unique barriers. The City of Hamilton relies heavily on MPAC property assessment information to create their voters lists, which frequently do not contain tenant information. Landlords are required to register with the City of Hamilton the occupants of their properties, however this is rarely done. Unlike a homeowner, tenants often do not receive a voter card and are required to self-register to secure a spot on the voters’ list.

To read more, please visit The Hamilton Spectator.

Originally written by Hamilton Community Legal Clinic, Hamilton Community Benefits Network and ACORN Hamilton for The Hamilton Spectator.



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