Stop Demovictions at 35 West Ave N!

Posted November 13, 2023

On Friday November 10th ACORN members held a rally in front of 35 West Ave N.

35 West Ave N has 11 units but only 6 units are still occupied. 3 tenants are facing eviction through no fault of their own. The landlord is claiming they want to demolish 3 units.

The building is owned by 2509739 ONTARIO LTD. since 2016 with Oliver St John listed as president.

Tenants of 35 West Ave N are united in demanding that the landlord stop all efforts to pursue eviction (under the guise of demolition) at the Landlord and Tenant Board. Tenants are also calling for better management of the building. For months, garbage has been allowed to pile up, pest infestations unchecked and general disrepair of the property. BlackBird Property Group seems more interested in driving tenants out of the building than maintaining it.

We emailed St John with our demands.

Thank you to all levels of government showing up in support – Councillor Nann, MPP Jama and MP Green.

More to come! These are our homes and we won’t let greedy investors evict us for profit.

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