
Press Release: ACORN Canada launches Centre for Tenant Organizing, new hub for tenant activism in Toronto.

Posted March 29, 2012

ACORN Canada, a national membership organization of low and moderate income families, is announcing today the launch of new online hub of activism and organizing for Toronto tenants. 

The Centre for Tenant Organizing aims to be an online clearinghouse for tenant engagement – connecting tenants to organizing materials, campaign support & City services.  The launch is in response to demand from tenants across Toronto for resources to help them to unite their neighbours in campaigns and projects to win improved housing standards. 

The site was launched with a Vital Ideas grant from the Toronto Community Foundation. 

The site is available at: http://www.tenantorganizing.ca

ACORN Canada, a national membership organization of low and moderate income families, is announcing today the launch of new online hub of activism and organizing for Toronto tenants. 

The Centre for Tenant Organizing aims to be an online clearinghouse for tenant engagement – connecting tenants to organizing materials, campaign support & City services.  The launch is in response to demand from tenants across Toronto for resources to help them to unite their neighbours in campaigns and projects to win improved housing standards. 

The site was launched with a Vital Ideas grant from the Toronto Community Foundation. 

The site is available at: http://www.tenantorganizing.ca

Quick Facts about ACORN Canada’s Tenant Organizing in Toronto:

  • Won landmark tribunal case in 2005 for tenants of 1775, 1765 Weston Rd – delivering $250,000 in rent rebates.
  • Helped win Multi-Residential Apartment Building Audit and Enforcement Program (MRAB-AEP) – that overhauled how the City enforces apartment standards.
  • In the first year alone, the MRAB-AEP won an estimated $100 million in repairs to rental properties in Toronto.

After 6+ years of organizing tenants for improved rental housing in Toronto – we are pleased to launch this new resource to help tenants organize themselves.  Our 45,000+ members nationally, and 20,000+ in Toronto are celebrating this milestone. 

Contact: Judy Duncan, Head Organizer 

Phone: 416-461-5322, canadaacorn(at)acorncanada.org


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