Peel ACORN Brampton Healthy Homes

Peel ACORN rallies Around Tenants for Speakout About Increases While Landlord Ignores Repairs

Posted May 14, 2021

Posted May 14, 2021

On Thursday, May 13, Peel ACORN members and supporters rallied at Tenant Speakout for tenants at the 800-806 Clark Blvd Townhomes in Brampton. The landlord Capreit has been ignoring repairs for these tenants while aggressively raising rents through AGIs (Above Guideline Increase) rent increases.  By ignoring repairs and getting AGIs passed, Capreit is effectively making tenants pay for their repairs.
MCed by ACORN leader Tanya Burkart, tenants shared their stories of Capreit aggressive tactics in squeezing tenants for money and leaving the property to fall into disrepair. Tenants spoke of issues like no heating or poor heating, mold, pests like bed bugs and rats, and a general lack of repairs. Of particular note were many tenants complaining of hydro bills that match the price of their rent. 
Members and attendees took action at the speakout by calling 311 and councillor Charmaine Williams’ office to register by-law complaints. Peel ACORN is expecting Williams to take action for their constituents by ensuring the city of Brampton holds Capreit accountable.
Finally, Peel ACORN capped off the action with the group marching and chanting from the tenant speakout site to the Capreit local office to paste a list of tenant complaints on the front door.



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