Ottawa ACORN LeBreton Flats

Ottawa ACORN members demand REAL Affordable Housing for Lebreton Flats

Posted March 18, 2021

Posted March 18, 2021

Ottawa, ON. Central Ottawa ACORN members took a stand on March 16th outside the National Capital Commission (NCC) Head Office in support of real affordable housing for the Lebreton Flats development. 
The NCC is finalizing its development plan for Lebreton flats – the last big development in Ottawa’s inner-city.
The NCC is defining “Affordable housing” as 80% median market rent for only 25 years. A two-bedroom in Ottawa is going for $1,725/month meaning the NCC thinks $1400/month is affordable – BUT FOR WHO? 
We need REAL affordable housing for low-income and working-class tenants! 
Back in January, ACORN’s Central Ottawa members came out with our Lebreton Flats report, which was based on over 300 low-income community members’ survey results.
Our community demands for the future of LeBreton Flats include:
  • 35% Affordable Housing in Perpetuity
  • Full Range of Housing Options 
  • Integrated Housing
  • Childcare Services
  • Health Services
  • Accessible Transit
  • Affordable Grocery Store
  • Local Hiring & Good Jobs with Fair Wages
Send an email to the NCC in support of REAL affordable housing for Lebreton Flats here:
LeDroit Article:
Read the full Lebreton Flats Report here:


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