Nova Scotia ACORN Hosts City-Wide Housing Forum

Posted July 17, 2023

On Thursday, July 13, Nova Scotia ACORN hosted a Housing Forum at the Ward 5 Neighbourhood Centre in Halifax to discuss its current campaigns for housing and what can be done to help end the housing crisis. Nova Scotia ACORN members are demanding that the province enact a full ban on Renovictions, and that the city of Halifax swiftly implement mandatory Inclusionary Zoning.

The Housing Forum was attended by Nova Scotia ACORN members from all over the HRM, along with allies and other regular folks who are fed up with the lack of affordable housing in the city. Members were joined by Suzy Hansen of the Nova Scotia NDP, who spoke in favour of the Renoviction Ban. They were also joined by Halifax City Councillor Waye Mason, who spoke in favour of Inclusionary Zoning for the city as a tool to ease the housing crisis.

Nova Scotia ACORN will continue the fight for a Renoviction Ban and Inclusionary Zoning.

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