Ottawa ACORN Manor Village

Manor Village ACORN Members Take Fight to Ottawa Mayor

Posted November 25, 2020

ACORN members from the Nepean neighbourhood of Manor Village have escalated their fight against the City of Ottawa to save their homes from stage 3 LRT (Light Rail Transit)  demoviction.

Posted November 25, 2020

ACORN members from the Nepean neighbourhood of Manor Village have escalated their fight against the City of Ottawa to save their homes from stage 3 LRT (Light Rail Transit)  demoviction. 
With the Mayor of Ottawa, Jim Watson ignoring tenants’ requests to meet for months before making a decision to mass-evict 300+ people, members had no choice but to bring their concerns to his doorstep. 
On Tuesday, Nov 24, members rallied outside of Jim Watson’s home at 7AM. Members brought their families to wake up the Mayor with chants and testimonials yelled into a megaphone. 
Manor Village member, Alison trowbridge led the action and did an interview with the Ottawa Citizen, who covered the action. She told the citizen “We didn’t want to have to be here but there was no other recourse and if our homes are not off limits, then neither is his!”
On Wednesday, Nov 25th members held a rally at City Hall on the morning of the council meeting where the plan to build the LRT through their homes was being voted on. Members gave impassioned speeches through the heavy snow and led the crowd of 50 supporters in chants. Councillor Catherine McKenney spoke at the rally and Councillor Theresa Kavanagh and MPP Joel Harden attended in support. 
Members worked with Councillor McKenney to put forward a motion at council directing staff to return with another option for the stage 3 LRT that would not demovict tenants. The Motion was spoken against by the mayor and was voted down 16-7. 
Diane Deans, Theresa Kavanagh, Rawlson King, Shawn Menard, Jeff Leiper, Riley Brockington, Catherine McKenney 
Mayor Jim Watson, Tim Tierney, Mathieu Fleury, Matt Luloff, Catherine Kitts, George Darouze, Alan Hubley, Kieth Egli, Jan Harder, Laura Dudas, Jean Cloutier, Scott Moffatt, Jenna Sudds, Glen Gower, Carol Anne Meehan, Eli El-Chantiry 
Members are frustrated and angered by City Council and the mayor putting traffic and noise over their lives. They are ready to fight for a City Council that represents everyone in our community in the next municipal election. Because of the constant pressure members have been putting on the mayor and city council, they did create a working group with the directive to specifically explore rental replacement for the tenants of Manor Village. 
Members are more fired up than ever and are ready to use the working group to fight for rental replacement and fight for a rental replacement bylaw in the City of Ottawa. 


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