London ACORN’s Santa-led ‘Funds for Tenants’ March

Posted December 13, 2023

On Tuesday, December 12th, London ACORN took to the streets on a mission to City Hall to fight for more tenant protections in the city’s 2024 budget – which was released earlier that week without a single mention of tenant protections enclosed. SHAME!

London’s housing crisis has reached a breaking point as renters grapple with a myriad of challenges – disrepair, pests, rising rents, and merciless evictions by profit-driven landlords. This exploitation has left tenants without the means to fight back, while community legal clinics struggle to keep up with the overwhelming demand for assistance.

Amidst this crisis, London ACORN is leading the charge for change with a special guest at their march – Old Saint Nick himself! Santa and his elves marched with dozens of ACORN members from Victoria Park to city hall, chanting in unison about the need for more tenant protections in the city while CTV news followed along to catch all the action.

Santa – played by the amazing Jordan Smith, Chair of the Carling-Stoneybrook ACORN chapter – spoke in front of city hall about the issues tenants are facing in London:

“Tenants are living with leaks, holes in their walls, mould, rats, roaches, no heat, no clean water, and so much more. Tenants are being evicted from their homes through no fault of their own, just so the landlord can double or triple their rent for a new tenant! This is the opposite of holiday cheer my friends!”

Santa’s elves – played by the wonderful Claire Wittnebel, Robin Slade, and Nawton Chiles (Co-Chair of the Carling-Stoneybrook chapter) – then took turns describing the three tenets of London ACORN’s Tenant Protection Platform: landlord licensing, a renoviction bylaw, and a tenant defense fund. Read more about this platform and help us demand action from the city here! After some more speeches by tenants and allies in support of London ACORN’s campaigns, everyone came together for a group photo and final chant affirming that THE PEOPLE UNITED WILL NEVER BE DEFEATED!

Special shoutout to all the amazing leaders who worked hard to get such a great turnout and organize this awesome action!

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