London ACORN fights for a stronger anti-renoviction bylaw

Posted September 12, 2024

In a fight for a stronger anti-renoviction bylaw, London ACORN rallied outside City Hall as the issue was coming up at the Community and Protective Services Committee meeting later that afternoon. Members are demanding a renoviction bylaw that includes requirements for landlords to give tenants temporary alternate accommodations or a rental top up while renovations are being completed. Following the rally, members made their way into City Council Chambers to attend the CPSC meeting, where several leaders gave delegations to call out this vital missing piece in the renoviction bylaw draft. We got some AMAZING press coverage from CBC, CTV, and CFPL before, during, and after the rally and CPSC meeting.

Ultimately, councillors on the committee voted down multiple motions to strengthen the renoviction bylaw with alternate accommodations/rental top ups, but the fight isn’t over yet! The bylaw will go to a full council meeting on September 24th, so JOIN US on Tuesday, September 24th at 11:30AM outside City Hall for a BIG action to hold the City accountable and demand a stronger anti-renoviction bylaw in the city!

After persistent efforts, London ACORN pushed the city to strengthen the existing bylaw, London ACORN wants a strong bylaw similar to Hamilton. London ACORN continues to fight for a stronger anti-renoviction bylaw in the city.

Stronger anti-renoviction bylaw - London ACORN Stronger anti-renoviction bylaw - London ACORN

Stronger anti-renoviction bylaw - London ACORN Stronger anti-renoviction bylaw - London ACORN

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