Hamilton ACORN demands max heat bylaw!

Posted September 7, 2022

Today Hamilton ACORN launched our full temperature control for tenants campaign!

Led by ACORN members Marnie Schuter, co-chair of the mountain chapter, Evan Pettitt of the downtown chapter, and Stewart Klazinga​ of the east end chapter. Testimonials by members Arnim Hughes of the Stoney creek chapter, Zakery Rodrigues of the downtown chapter, and Liz Scott, co-chair of the East End chapter. Thanks to​​ our allies joining in support​, Ian Borsuk​ of ​​Environment Hamilton​, Ahona Mehdi of the​ Disability Justice Network of Ontario​,​ Karl Andrus​ of​​ ​Hamilton Community Benefits Network​, and ​​Tom Cooper​ of ​Hamilton Roundtable for Poverty Reduction

For years, tenants have been raising the alarm on unsafe conditions in rental housing during the hot summer months. Currently, there are no laws provincially or municipally requiring air conditioning or that indoor temperatures do not exceed a maximum temperature.

The climate crisis will mean heat events will continue to increase in intensity, duration, and frequency. And it is well documented that those disproportionately affected by heat related deaths and illness are seniors, people with disabilities, and low-income, racialized and tenant communities.

In June, ACORN members voted to start a new campaign on the issue and organized over the summer to discuss the impacts of extreme heat and put together policy demands for the City of Hamilton.

ACORN’s demands:

  • The City of Hamilton needs to develop and implement a maximum heat bylaw for rental housing
  • The City of Hamilton needs to develop a municipal program to support retrofits at market rental housing
  • The City of Hamilton needs to expand measures in community and public spaces for Hamilton residents to keep cool when outside the home
  • The City of Hamilton needs to track heat-related deaths and illness

The City of Hamilton has the opportunity to be a leader on the issue and use its municipal powers to ensure indoor temperatures in apartments are safe during the summer months.

ACORN will be working with its allies to urge the city to move quickly to develop and pass a maximum heat bylaw.

Read our full report

We need the city to put the health and safety of tenants ahead of the profit of landlords and developers. ACORN demands housing and climate justice.