Hamilton ACORN demands Kevin Moniz give back tenants’ homes!

Posted May 8, 2023

Today 20 ACORN members did a three location action to bring attention to the renoviction of 4 long term tenants from 309 Strathearne Ave in East Hamilton.

In November 2020 the landlord of 309 Strathearne Kevin Moniz gave all long term tenants N13 notices to move out for renovations. Tenants immediately organized in the building led by East End ACORN member Darlene Wesley. The group received funding from the Tenant Defence Fund to retain a paralegal to challenge the claim that vacancy was needed for the proposed work.

The Landlord and Tenant Board hearing took place April 2022 but unfortunately it resulted in the board siding with the landlord. Tenants moved out between the summer of 2022 and January 2023.

Two of the tenants who were the first to have their right of first refusal revoked filed for bad faith T5 applications with one tenant having their hearing in April 2023. The only outcome of the hearing was $5,000 ordered to be paid by the landlord to the tenant by May 6.

Tenants were paying around $700/month in rent and now units are being re-rented out at $1,550.

ACORN members held actions at 3 locations:

1) 309 Strathearne Ave
2) Office of CornerStone Select – the property manager hired by Kevin to re-rent out the apartments
3) Home of Kevin Moniz

ACORN will continue to fight back against the renoviction, including demanding that the units be returned to the renovicted tenants, and pursuing all legal options to see that Moniz faces maximum fines from the Rental Housing Enforcement Unit and Landlord and Tenant Board.

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