“Affordable for Who?: The State of Affordable Housing in Ottawa” Report Release ** “Abordable pour qui?: L’état du logement abordable dans Ottawa” Publication du rapport
Posted August 30, 2018
Ottawa ACORN Leaders Mavis Finnamore, Grace Iyobosa, Abdullahi Ali Saida, and Lisa Brinston lead a press conference this morning to release a widely anticipated housing report called “Affordable for Who? The State of Affordable Housing in Ottawa”.
Posted August 30, 2018
Ottawa ACORN Leaders Mavis Finnamore, Grace Iyobosa, Abdullahi Ali Saida, and Lisa Brinston lead a press conference this morning to release a widely anticipated housing report called “Affordable for Who? The State of Affordable Housing in Ottawa”. The report contains damning evidence of the city’s failure to stand up for low income tenants. For example, during this term of council alone, rents in Ottawa have increased by nine per cent. The report also found that 83% of Ottawa’s lowest income renters (those who earn below $10,000) are spending more than half of their income on rent. This is unacceptable. ACORN Leaders urged those in attendance to elect municipal politicians who will work for residents, and not for greedy landlords and developers who are mass evicting families.
In the Herongate community, Timbercreek Asset Management is evicting over 100 low income families to make room for luxury rentals that will contribute to the city’s affordable housing crisis. Thus far, city councillors have done nothing to ensure these families will have safe and affordable alternative living arrangements. Grace Iyobosa and Abdullahi Ali Saida, ACORN members and residents of the community who are being evicted by Timbercreek, highlighted the dire need for inclusionary zoning and rental replacement by-laws that would prevent corporations like Timbercreek from gentrifying our communities.
In addition to many ACORN members and Herongate residents, mayoral candidate Clive Doucet was in attendance at the press conference. Doucet chastised the current mayor and city council for failing to introduce bylaws and zoning restrictions that work for low income people.

Dans la communauté de Herongate, Timbercreek Asset Management est en train d’expulser plus de 100 familles à faible revenu pour faire de la place à des locations de luxe contribuant ainsi à la crise du logement abordable dans la ville. Jusqu’à présent, les conseillers municipaux n’ont rien fait pour garantir que ces familles bénéficieront de modes de vie alternatifs sécuritaires et abordables. Grace Iyobosa et Abdullahi Ali Saida, membres d’ACORN et résidents de la communauté expulsés par Timbercreek, ont souligné le besoin urgent de règlements de zonage d’inclusion et de remplacement de location qui empêcheraient des sociétés comme Timbercreek de gentrifier nos communautés.
En plus des nombreux membres d’ACORN et des résidents de Herongate, le candidat à la mairie, Clive Doucet, était présent à la conférence de presse. Doucet a reproché au maire et au conseil municipal d’avoir omis de mettre en place des règlements et des restrictions de zonage favorables aux personnes à faible revenu.
Press from the event // La couverture médiatique de l’événement:
Ottawa Matters: Community organization releasing housing affordability report
Your Community Voice: Tenants repeat demands for eviction delay (page 7)
UniqueFM: (coming soon / à venir)
CBC: (coming soon / à venir)
Click here to check out photos from the report release // Cliquer ici pour voir les photos prises lors du lancement du rapport