ACORN Canada Internet for All

ACORN Members – Stop Rogers-Shaw Merger

Posted April 1, 2021

Posted on April 1, 2021

April Fools!  The joke’s on consumers if the government approves the Rogers-Shaw Merger!

ACORN members held a national day of action today to highlight  concerns regarding the recently announced Rogers Communications’ application to acquire Shaw Communications for nearly $26 billion – one of the biggest takeovers in the Canadian telecom industry! 

Couldn’t join? Send a quick letter to the Minister of Innovation & Commissioner of Competition Bureau to stop the Roger-Shaw Merger. Click here

We know this merger is not RIGHT. Even in a pandemic when connectivity became so vital with many aspects of life from doctors’ appointments to online schooling moving online, the federal government refused to enhance supports or mandate the telecom so all low-income people could get connected. And now this attempt of Rogers to gobble up Shaw, Canada’s fourth largest telecom make internet even more unaffordable in Canada’s overpriced market!  

ACORN members want  Public Controlled Internet NOT corporate controled government!

Here’s a brief account of our actions. Join us to fight back!

Great April fool’s day action today for Toronto ACORN members at the Rogers headquarters! 17 ACORN members peacefully rallied and fought for affordable internet and to stop the merger. They locked us out but we taped the letter to the CEO on their front entrance. Also taped flyers all over their front door and lots of petitioning Ryan, Kelly, Kiri lead the action and speech from a new awesome member Shahed Shafazand as Rogers cut out her connection as she couldn’t afford it anymore!!! Bob, Leslie and Antonia also helped run the action.  

Mountain members in Hamilton delivered a letter to the Rogers Cable office on Hamilton Mountain. They had their doors locked and the mailbox was bolted shut, but Mountain Co Chair Marnier Schurter taped the letter up on the wall! Pastor Dave and Marnie put up flyers in the neighbourhood and brought home extra letters to give to their closest Rogers store!  

Ottawa members went to the CRTC headquarters. Super leaders – Ray Noyes and Norma-Jean Quibell and some new leaders Sophie McCarrell and Janicka Glasova gave their testimonies on why affordable internet is important to them. Norma led some chants as we marched to deliver a letter of demands to the CRTC. The security guards locked the doors and refused to take our letter, so we taped it to the door. Then members did some street petitioning and postering with flyers. Leaders then drove to the Competition Bureau’s office to deliver our letter of demands – they sent us from security guard to security guard, each one refusing to take the letter but Ray Noyes and the other leaders were not leaving until the mailroom guy finally took our letter to give to the Competition Bureau Commissioner!

London members went to a Rogers Store. The store closed earlier than its scheduled time! But members flyered and taped the flyers on the door.

In BC, members delivered a letter to Rogers store in Newton, Surrey. They had their doors locked, so Melanie Campbell, Co-Chair New Westminster Chapter slided a letter under the door

In Montreal, action at a Rogers store downtown! We taped our April fishes to the front window and our member Daniel led some chants and read our demands. The employees didn’t like it much and took our fishes down.



iPhone in Canada: ACORN Members Protest in Streets Against Rogers-Shaw Merger



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