Hamilton ACORN and allies fight for a Just Recovery!

Posted February 1, 2023

On February 1st, the Just Recovery Coalition released our new report with recommendations for the City of Hamilton to pass a budget that addresses the social and financial justice issues facing Hamilton.

Stoney Creek chair Liz Scott represented ACORN and spoke about what members want to see prioritized this Council term – expansion and improvements to the Tenant Defense Fund, city wide landlord licensing program, max heat bylaw and municipal action on the digital divide!

Read the new Just Recovery report here: https://justrecoveryhamilton.ca/the-second-policy-paper

Later in the day, ACORN, Environment Hamilton and the Hamilton Community Benefits Network hosted a 40 person delegation and budget training workshop.

Watch the workshop here – https://youtu.be/_nF9xk2fR1U

Lastly, four ACORN members registered to delegate for February 6th public delegation day.

Watch downtown member Damien Ash delegate – https://youtu.be/A–5fugoHoU

ACORN looks forward to working with our allies this term for a more equitable Hamilton!



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