4400 Jane St tenants speak out against poor maintenance!

Posted April 22, 2024

Today, ACORN joined tenants of 4400 Jane St to speak out against poor building maintenance, understaffing, and broken exterior doors, including the lack of a door handle on the front of the building!

Tenants shared our demands for expedited repairs, doors with doorhandles, and a building-wide survey of all tenants to file work orders for in-unit repairs. We signed petitions and called the Toronto Community Housing Client Care Centre to request repairs, before marching into the Tenant Service Hub to deliver our demand letter.

Inside the Hub, we were faced with a reality that many TCHC tenants face: there were no staff to hear us out! Nevertheless, we chanted and left plenty of copies of our demands, and we’ll be forwarding them to the TCHC West Regional Office and City Councillor Anthony Perruzza.

We know that it’s not just one building—tenants in Toronto Community Housing face systemic issues that require systemic change. That’s why ACORN is launching a campaign to demand better from TCHC. If you’re interested in joining the campaign, call our Toronto office at 416-461-9233 or email Ty, the York West ACORN organizer, at tocanvassdir@acorncanada.org.


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