ACORN Report: Who Controls Toronto? People or Developers?

Posted October 13, 2021

Posted October 14, 2021

In the 2018 Toronto Municipal Election, 34% of all campaign contributions came from people with ties to the development industry. Many important decisions on the right to housing are being influenced by these donors, to the detriment of regular people in Toronto.

ACORN has put out a report looking into these developer donations, to get more transparency on the issue ahead of important votes on housing in the next few months.

Read the report here

Send a message to your city councillor about affordable housing 

And if you’d like to see our research that formed the report, it’s available here or here


Daily Hive: 34% of Toronto City Council donors have real estate development ties: report

Breakfast Television: New ACORN report alleges Toronto election donors had ties to development industry

BlogTO: All of Toronto city council is alleged to have accepted donations from developers

Storeys: One Third of Toronto City Council Donations Linked to Development Industry: Report

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